AI should benefit everyone, but currently, only 10% of people benefit from it today. At FRAIA, we believe our AI Personas can help everyone, regardless of their IT knowledge. To truly benefit everyone, we need to create solutions that are easy to use and accessible to all. This approach also allows companies to gain the most from AI when it benefits everyone.

Read more about our USE CASES to understand how AI Personas with Purpose-Driven Conversation is FRAIA's way to help everybody.

Our team

Team name
Job titel
Anders Hasle Nielsen
Anders Hasle Nielsen
CEO, Product & Development
Sune Lynnerup
Sune Lynnerup
COO, Product & Development
Lucas Knudsen
Lucas Knudsen
Head of Tech
Thameshree Moodley
Thameshree Moodley
Janos Beumont
Janos Beumont
Lasse Rosengaard
Lasse Rosengaard
Partner Lead