Ordering Customized Supertrends Reports via Dialogue

Users can order Supertrends reports through a guided dialogue with an AI-based Digital Persona using a voice-only interface. Although the dialogue is relatively simple, this feature represents a new way to engage with digital services.

Digital Persona of Supertrends Founder Lars Tvede

Lars Tvede, founder of the Swiss technology venture Supertrends, is known for forecasting technology and market trends in various areas. The FRAIA implementation team has crafted a Digital Persona that captures the personality and voice of Lars Tvede, who is a charismatic innovator, author, and investor from Denmark.

Purpose-Driven Conversations for Customized Report Ordering

The FRAIA team has configured purpose-driven conversations (PDCs) that allow Supertrends users to order customized reports on demand. This replaces the traditional form-based interface with a more interactive, human-like dialogue. The system not only helps select the type, focus, and scope of the report but also gathers user preferences and background information to tailor the reports and accompanying notes to the user’s needs.

Integrating AI with Supertrend’s Backend Capabilities

FRAIA's "signature" solution integrates AI with backend report generation and data retrieval capabilities, accessing extensive data on technology and market trends. This integration supports the ordering dialogue and contributes to the generation of detailed reports and textual content. In its next iteration, the Supertrends solution will include purpose-driven conversations to enhance data and conclusion sharing among various Supertrends customers and clients.